Intensify your workouts
Adding a few extra minutes to your routine, occasionally picking up the pace or tackling a hill or two can help you burn extra calories. Your 20 to 30 minutes of daily walking is good, but adding more time or trying new activities, such as bike riding or swimming, will help boost calorie burning.
Add some muscle
Try some strength-building types of exercise, such as weight training or calisthenics. You'll build more muscle, which burns more calories than fat, *even when you're sleeping.*
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Watch Your Food Intake
A strict exercise regimen is crucial in a weight-loss program, but the fat won't come off if you're hitting the potato chip aisle on a regular basis. Here are simple dietary changes you can make to help you lose the fat.
Drink water
Drink a glass before you treat yourself to a second helping or an unnecessary snack. This helps you feel fuller. Eat foods that are high in fiber - they, too, help fill you up (the body doesn't digest fiber).
Add some weight-loss supplements
Natural weight-loss products contain herbs to boost your metabolism, burn fat and help you curb your cravings for carbohydrates. If you're not using any weight-loss program, a plateau is a good time to start.
Check your eating habits
Sometimes when the pounds start coming off, we're not as diligent as we were at the beginning. Portions start to creep up in size, and more sweets find their way into our diets. A food log is a good way to keep track of what you're putting in your mouth.
As you ease off that weight plateau, maintain your persistence. Your weight loss probably will be about a pound a week and you may land on another plateau. Make adjustments as needed with your activity level.
In the end, you should view hitting a plateau as a good thing. Why? It means your body has less fat to lose, which explains why the weight isn't coming off as readily. And remember: It's best to lose weight slowly and sensibly so you can make changes that you'll keep for life.
There are many reasons for plateaus and therefore many solutions. If you address the above issues, you'll achieve the weight-loss results you desire. And enjoy your improving fitness level and better health.
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